Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Law Origin

Hi, just want to say something

The "Law" has commence a big revolution at china before dinasty chin, why i say that...

before one union, ther was no union before at china,

the china seperate for 20 to 30 country, big or small, and was call chun chiu (about 400 year)

after that, big country makan small country, left 6/7 country: chin, chu, han, zhao, wei and...dunno (about 300 year)

there was battle and battle over this 2 era/condition, when I strong, i attack, gain property and item, the weak one defence

However, there have a big change

the law initailly was conducted by the village old man, or the village justice, how ever, there was a flaw

the case punishment is differ from one village to one village

the case punishment is differ for a rich man and poor man or power man and unpower man /nobleman - unnoble

the curi may be at this village is jail for some day, at other village is potong tangan

also the pergaduhan antara puak-puak is always happen, and revenge is take place without good enforcement
to tangkap, well, at that time country always in war, siapa mau pi tangkap

at that time, country chin is a small country, always get bully one.
there come a man call wei yang, help the king

his filosophy is , using law, to coordinate the country...

at that time, punishment is very severe....

curi, potong tangan, ..............lari from war, potong kaki......

but wei yang convince the king to enforce it..

There is one case the the king son offense, kill a rakyat.....and wei yang use law cut down the king son teacher nose, as well
as the king brother nose (well, both of them are teacher)

If that was at old time, this kind of thing will be let go only....

means people will scare to buat jenayah because of the law. they know there was no exception liao..

especially to those nobleman, or minister-minister, the king relatif

this very quickly let the country became more stable.

Hence, the law is regulated.............

otherwise it is different from justice to justice, from king to king..

in same case, king can let go the case, other king can put very severe punishment....

after wei yang regulated the law, no more....

law establish conduct is to prevent the crime.

and law punishment is sometime need to change to make our society more stable,

let say now If I announce, grap and run from woman will be punish to dead,

do you think the youngster berani to do it? haha...




















